LONGi helps a logistics park be selected into the first batch of zero-carbon pilot projects of the Ministry of Transport

Home / News / LONGi helps a logistics park be selected into the first batch of zero-carbon pilot projects of the Ministry of Transport

LONGi helps a logistics park be selected into the first batch of zero-carbon pilot projects of the Ministry of Transport

Recently, the Ministry of Transport officially released the first batch of zero-carbon pilot projects for typical road and water transportation and facilities. After a series of selection procedures such as expert evaluation and on-site inspection, the pilot project of Jiaxing Port Yemaodun Zero-Carbon Logistics Park was successfully selected. It is understood that the project was invested and constructed by Zhejiang Haigang Jiaxing Port Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Haigang"), and all of them use LONGi Hi-MO series high-efficiency double-glass modules.
The first batch of pilot projects closely revolves around the zero-carbon goal during the operation period, focusing on special scenes in the transportation field such as road transportation routes, freight hubs (especially logistics parks), highway service areas, and docks. Through green and low-carbon technology transformation, new technology promotion and application, energy structure optimization, and energy-carbon smart platform construction, a zero-carbon project implementation plan is formed, aiming to use the 3-5 year pilot period to create a batch of replicable and popularizable typical cases, and further accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of transportation.
Distributed photovoltaic project in Yemaodun Logistics Park, Jiaxing Port
Yemaodun Logistics Park, Jiaxing Port is a port supporting logistics park planned and constructed by Jiaxing Port to adapt to the growing container throughput in the port area and the transformation and upgrading trend of modern logistics and transportation industry. In the early stage of the project design, the Zhejiang Seaport team carefully studied and designed the plan in stages according to the actual needs of the Yemaodun Logistics Park. It is such professionalism and dedication that effectively ensured the efficient and orderly progress of the project and finally achieved the goal of grid connection.
The project uses the roofs of the No. 1 and No. 2 logistics warehouses in the Yemaodun Logistics Park to install 9,969 LONGi Hi-MO series double-glass photovoltaic modules, with a total area of ​​40,000 square meters and a total installed capacity of approximately 5.4 megawatts. It supplies power to the power supply line at a voltage level of 10 kilovolts, adopting the "self-generation and self-use, surplus power to the grid" mode. The project is expected to generate 150 million kWh of electricity in 25 years, save 1,576.5 tons of standard coal each year, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 32 tons, nitrogen oxides by 10.85 tons, and carbon dioxide by 4,207 tons, and significantly improve the environmental protection level. At the same time, according to the local desulfurized coal-fired electricity price, the distributed photovoltaic project in Yemaodun Logistics Park can bring more than 2 million yuan of electricity sales revenue to the company every year.
Distributed photovoltaic project in Yemaodun Logistics Park of Jiaxing Port
The project deeply integrates the green and low-carbon concept into the design of Yemaodun Logistics Park of Jiaxing Port, and takes photovoltaic power generation, hydrogen energy application, electric equipment, sponge city, energy-saving technology, zero-carbon operation and smart energy management as the entry point to create a series of special highlights. Including "all-round green and low-carbon development model of logistics park", "zero-carbon operation model of win-win cooperation among relevant parties" and "large transportation low-carbon integrated development model". On the basis of achieving zero carbon emissions in the logistics park itself, the project also further helps the construction of a local green, circular and low-carbon transportation system by superimposing the "inside + outside" dual carbon reduction benefits of photovoltaic and hydrogen energy equipment.

Policy boost
"Photovoltaic + Port" ushers in great development opportunities
Jiaxing Port, Zhejiang
Transportation has always been one of the three key areas of energy conservation and emission reduction in my country.
Under the guidance of the "dual carbon" goal, ports, as important comprehensive transportation hubs, have emission reduction effects that are directly related to whether the carbon reduction goals in the transportation field can be successfully achieved. Therefore, actively building green ecological ports and strengthening pollution prevention and control and energy conservation and emission reduction in the port field have become a broad consensus in my country's port industry.
As a major exporting country and a country with many coastal cities, my country has a very large number of ports. Among them, there are 23 coastal ports with a throughput of more than 200 million tons, showing the strong strength of my country's port cargo throughput and container throughput, which has been ranked first in the world for many consecutive years. Among the top 10 ports in the world in terms of port cargo throughput and container throughput, my country occupies 8 and 7 seats respectively. However, the rapid development of the water transport industry has also brought a large amount of pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions, posing a severe challenge to environmental protection.
Jiaxing Port, Zhejiang
At present, my country's ports are facing the prominent problem of "focusing on pollution reduction and neglecting carbon reduction" in the green transformation. In fact, the transformation of green ports is a systematic project, in which vigorously developing photovoltaics and wind power, and giving priority to the alternative use of new energy or clean energy such as green electricity and hydrogen energy, are key elements to achieve this transformation.
In the future, LONGi Green Energy will continue to work with Zhejiang Port, taking the Jiaxing Port Yemaodun Zero-Carbon Logistics Park pilot project as an opportunity to further explore the green and low-carbon development potential of "photovoltaic + port" and provide a green demonstration path for the construction of the port's zero-carbon logistics park.